Package edu.vt.middleware.ldap.ed
Interface Summary Interface Description EdAuthService Add facilities for authentication and authorization to ED clients.EdOperation Interface that allows for performing common operations on Virginia Tech Enterprise directory instances.EdService Interface that allows for performing common search operations on Virginia Tech Enterprise directory instances.MultiFactor Represents a multi-factor authentication data to present to an ldap instance. -
Class Summary Class Description DuoFactor Represents a second factor to present to (see: Documentation) AUTO PHONE SMS PASSCODE PUSH (Also see DUO documentation.)EdAuth EdAuth provides methods to perform common authentication and authorization operations.EdContext Generates ed client objects to interact with various ED directories.EdId EdId provides for the common ED client operations acting on the ED-ID directory.EdLite EdLite provides for the common ED client operations acting on the ED-Lite directory.EdServiceTemplate Contains functions used by instances of ED which are intended for searching.Login Provides methods to perform common authentication and authorization operations using the 2FA directory.TokensFactor Represents a second factor to present to from ED Web Services /tokens endpoint. -
Enum Summary Enum Description DirectoryEnv Represents a deployment environment for a particular class of the Enterprise Directory.DirectoryType Represents a class of the Enterprise Directory: ED Lite ED ID ED Auth LoginDuoFactor.Type Enum defining the DUO second factor options.MultiFactorType Represents types of multi-factor authentication supported by this library DUO TOKENS -
Exception Summary Exception Description EdAuthAuthorizationException Authorization exception thrown byEdAuthService.authorize(org.ldaptive.LdapEntry, String)